The videos above show an example of simulation of infrared sensors in a flight simulation scenario.
On the left is a simulated night-time approach to a precision approach runway in simulated CATII visibility conditions. On the right is the same (synchronized) approach as seen by a simulated extended mid-wave infrared sensor. The simulation of the sensor includes degradation due to weather conditions (infrared does not penetrate all weather, and the simulation can reflect calibrated weather degradation for different sensors), as well as sensitivity to runway lights (a key feature of extended midwave systems), and dynamic noise effects (as would be encountered at high sensor gain settings). Other settings available for infrared simulation are presets for various infrared (shortwave, midwave and longwave) or for millimeter wave radar (35, 94 or 220 GHz) spectral bands; weather degradation presets for various types of weather conditions, defined in ICAO terms (CATI, CATII, CATIII, etc.) or by the type of obscurant (rain, fog, smoke, sand), infrared polarity (white hot/black hot), etc. All parameters can be preset by various means (configuration files, keyboard commands) and changed in real time over the network or through manual operator intervention (keyboard, preset keypad).
Aireyes Inc. applied for or was granted various US and Foreign patents covering the underlying technology, which is now part of a number of commercial flight simulators including pilot training and familiarization with enhanced vision system (EVS) aided navigation.